10 concepts for Type 2 Diabetics

10 important concepts Type 2 Diabetics should know for healing:

 To all Type 2 Diabetics out there:  this disease is not a lifetime illness or death sentence.  There is CURE!

Healing begins with you taking ownership, taking responsibility and then finding more information that leads to the path of your healing.

Today, sharing with you the 10 powerful concepts  that have been like sparks that ignited my passion to learn more, do more and take the reigns of  control of Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus and heal myself.

I hope these help you too.

Concept No. 1 for Type 2 Diabetics:

Type 2 Diabetes is a chronic disease that is caused by both Genes and Lifestyle.  Genes account for 10-20% while lifestyle accounts for the remaining 80-90%.

Therefore, the CURE for Type 2 Diabetes is found in addressing either or both causes.

Concept No. 2 for Type 2 Diabetics:


Lifestyle Factors for Type 2 Diabetics



The following LIFESTYLE FACTORS can lead to Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus:


Of all these factors, POOR NUTRITION is the most important.

Concept No. 3 for Type 2 Diabetics:

Type 2 Diabetes is a chronic disease characterized by Hyperglycemia or high blood sugar.  Diagnosis is based on the findings of tests which demonstrate high blood sugar.

Concept No. 4 for Type 2 Diabetics:

However, Type 2 Diabetes is also a disease of Insulin Resistance.

Insulin is natural hormone produced by the pancreas in response to the absorption of the food that was eaten.  Food is converted to amino acids, fatty acids or glucose which are used as fuel by the body.

Insulin level in the blood rises in response to presence of fuel in the blood.

Some types of fuel can spike up Insulin higher than the others.

Insulin resistance happens in the body after decades of consuming food items that cause it to spike high AND remain high in the blood throughout the day.

A high blood insulin level or Hyperinsulinemia is an early warning sign that a person will develop Type 2 diabetes.

High Fasting Insulin blood level or hyperinsulinemia precedes high blood sugar by decades.

Concept No. 5 

Food is categorized into 3 main types of macronutrients.

PROTEIN – broken up to amino acids

FATS – broken up to fatty acids

CARBOHYDRATES – broken up to glucose

Food is not created equal when it comes to the capacity to raise or spike up blood sugar and insulin.

In terms of capacity to raise up blood sugar and insulin:


Concept No. 6

When it comes to capacity to raise blood sugar or insulin, Not all carbohydrates are created equal.

There are 2 types of carbohydrates based on their effect on blood sugar or blood insulin levels.



FAST CARBS are obvious sugar or highly processed starches that are highly refined, thus, are immediately absorbed to the blood stream to spike blood sugar and insulin.

SLOW CARBS are whole food, intact and minimally processed, usually containing their natural fibers.  They take time to be absorbed in the blood stream and cause a slow rise in the blood sugar and insulin.


Not all carbs are the same!

Concept No. 7

A treatment goal for Type 2 Diabetics is to prevent the rise or spikes in both blood sugar and blood insulin after eating.

Where nutrition is concerned, this is best achieved by choosing food that does not result in these spikes.  Choose Protein and Good Fat over Starchy Carbohydrates.  Choose Slow Carbs, not Fat carbs.

Concept No. 8

A very useful tool that a Type 2 Diabetic can use to practice concept no. 7 is the GLYCEMIC INDEX.

The GLYCEMIC INDEX or GI index is a value assigned to foods based on how slowly or quickly those food can cause increases in blood glucose levels.

Low GI food – release glucose slowly and steadily.

High GI food -release glucose rapidly and instantly.

Concept No. 9 for Type 2 Diabetics:

What type of food is loaded in your fork and spoon for each meal, will determine if  your type 2 diabetes will get cured or worsen over time.

Concept No. 10 for Type 2 Diabetics:

We should eat to satisfy the body’s need to be healthy, more than the need for our tongues to be pleasured!



Eat more for health, less for pleasure

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Dr. Peachy
Dr. Peachy

Dr. Peachy, together with Dr. Mario will help you find effective solutions you can start rightaway so you can begin to LIVE a life of freedom. Click here to learn more.

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