5 things you should not do if you want to kickstart your wellness journey

5 Things you should NOT do to Kickstart your Wellness Journey

For those who seek WELLNESS, The Journey is never-ending.

From Illness to Wellness, and ultimately to becoming the Best Wellness Versions of Themselves.

Thus, It is about moving forward until time on earth runs out.

This is exciting  because as long as you  are moving forward, you will only improve and evolve. 

Unfortunately, if you are stalled or moving backward, the journey will end in reverse which is ILLNESS.

So, it is very important to STOP, ASSESS, and DETERMINE which direction you are traveling.

Through the many years that I have been on the wellness journey, both my own and those of others who have kickstarted their journey successfully,

I have found that there are 5 things that you should NOT  do if you want to kickstart your wellness journey.


Which direction are you headed?



Here are 5 things you should NOT do if you want to kickstart your Wellness Journey:

  1. START BLINDLY.  Assess your Current Physical status.  It is only when you know where you are that you can determine where you want to go in your wellness journey.  I talk about this on a previous post which you can read here.

The Best Goals to make SMART ones.  SMART is an acronym for Specific, Measurable, Realistic, and Time Bound.

In other words, Goals should have deadlines!


Make SMART Goals


Setting goals with no plan on how to achieve them will not give you success.

Moreover, a goal without a plan is just a wish or a dream.

Additionally, A well-detailed plan of action is like a roadmap that you can navigate easily to get to your destination.

Start with Finding the right information, a solution for your wellness gap that is simple and yet proven.

Equally important, you must be able to enjoy the process otherwise, it will not be sustainable and will make you want to quit.

Once you find the process, do consistent actions daily.  The actions need not be massive, they can be small steps.

Small steps when done consistently produces Massive results.

Don’t be afraid or hesitant to ask for help when you don’t know where to find the right information or how to carry out the necessary steps.

Create a Plan to Achieve your wellness Goals


According to this post from  Get it done with Sonday Ray, Your mindset Fuels your thoughts and directs your Actions.

Your actions on the other hand create success.

Furthermore, Success Mindset is focused on achieving goals.

It is based on positive mental attitudes, empowering inclinations and good habits.

Acquiring this Success Mindset will dramatically increase your chance to achieve your goals.


Finding people who are also in the same journey as you will help you have the support you need when the going gets hard.

The bigger your goals, the more support you will need.

It will also be good to inform your family and friends of your wellness journey so that they will understand what you are trying to achieve and will support you as well.

There you go…Avoid these 5 things and kickstart your Wellness Journey!

Best of Luck!

If you want to know more about how to kickstart your wellness journey, I have good news for you, we have started with our 3-part series Webinar, WELLNESS KICKSTARTERS. 

The second episode is dropping LIVE this coming Saturday, March 5, 2022 at 7PM via zoom.

Wellness Kickstarters Webinar

Here is a LINK where you can register for FREE.

Do invite your friends and fam to join us by sharing this blogpost to them.

You can be the Happiest and Healthiest Version of You,


Doc Peachy

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Dr. Peachy
Dr. Peachy

Dr. Peachy, together with Dr. Mario will help you find effective solutions you can start rightaway so you can begin to LIVE a life of freedom. Click here to learn more.

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