Choose to Live with Graitude



Hello Wellness Seekers,

With all the news about the rise of the COVID-19 infection in our area, are you fear-stricken today?  Doesn’t that Fear quickly turn to stress and anxiety?  Well, It does for me!!!

Are there antidotes for Fear?

You bet there are!


I always turn to these power trio to cure my  own greatest fears. For this Gratitude Sunday, sharing these with you:

These Powerful antidotes are:  GRATITUDE, ACTION and PRAYER


Let’s talk about the first…GRATITUDE.  While it may be the last thing in mind at a time of fear, I realized  through many circumstances that  it is during the the most challenging times that I get to rediscover its power.


Choosing GRATITUDE and choosing to BELIEVE that possibilities and solutions always exist, can cure the greatest fears.

Choosing to focus on what to be grateful for in the present moment allows us to pause, breathe, and reflect rather than react negatively.

So what is there to be grateful for now?  Close your eyes and reflect for a moment…your answers are just around you.

Are your present needs being met?  Do you have the provisions and resources to be able take care of yourself and your family?  Are you safe, sound and well at the moment?  Are you surrounded by family and friends and pets who love you unconditionally?

There is always something to be grateful for.  Now is the time to think of them and dwell on them.  Feel the rise of hope and calm you mind with the thought that solutions and possibilities exist and will soon come.


The second antidote….is ACTION.  Action cures Fear!

Times of Fear are times for Action.  Be proactive!  Are you afraid of getting sick?  Then why not  ACT today to protect yourselves and your loved ones?

Internally or Externally, find ways to support yourself to be less susceptible to catching the Coronavirus.

You have mastered the external drill by now:  Practice social distancing, hygiene, wearing of appropriate facemasks and faceshields, staying home as much as possible.

As for the internal aspect of protection, If you haven’t seen it yet, we put together immune boosting tips you can start right away to avoid infections.  Please access our FREE GUIDE by clicking the photo to your right.  There are also Immune boosting supplements you can take and if you want to know which ones we recommend, please post the question on the comment section below.

Finally, another piece of action I do when I am fear stricken is to recite mantras.  Mantras are just positive affirmation that when vocalized, send sound currents  that interact with our body’s energy field and brainwaves.  The brainwaves control our thoughts, produce hormones and generate emotions.  Do you recite mantras?  What are your thoughts on this?

Here are sample mantras by Barbara Bernard you can try.

Cure for Fear Mantras


Finally, the third and most powerful of the 3 ANTIDOTES TO CURE YOUR GREATEST FEARS is PRAYER!

Offer  and commit all your fears to the Lord.   There are so many unknowns that make our hearts worry but know in your heart and mind that Our Lord is always in control.  He already knows the outcome.  Let us trust HIM and Let us wait for Him to work it out.

Psalm 37:5 says it all:  “Commit your way to the Lord; trust in him, and he will act.” 


Prayer for Overcoming Fear


Has this been helpful to you?  Please comment your thoughts below.  Love to know your thoughts.

Be Safe, Be Well, and less fearful,


Doc Peachy

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Dr. Peachy
Dr. Peachy

Dr. Peachy, together with Dr. Mario will help you find effective solutions you can start rightaway so you can begin to LIVE a life of freedom. Click here to learn more.

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