Golden Rules for a Happy Family


8 Golden Rules To A Happy and Healthy Family

Howdy Wellness Seekers!

Love this old line from George Bernard Shaw:

A happy family is an earlier Heaven.

Please allow me to tweak this a bit…

A happy and HEALTHY family is an earlier heaven!

For me, nothing can be more blissful than having a HAPPY and HEALTHY family living harmoniously.  If this is the only thing I can accomplish in my lifetime, then I would be able to say…Mission done!

Do you share my sentiment?  Do share your thoughts on the comment section below!

Indeed, having a Happy and Healthy Family is Heaven on earth!

The ultimate result of this is it produces happy, healthy children who are able to reach their potential and contribute to society in meaningful ways and ultimately create their own happy and healthy families.

Imagine, having a generation of Happy and Healthy families!

Start here, start right now with your very own family – make them happy and healthy!

Are there rules to follow to accomplish this?  We did our research and picked out the best ones  as well as included some rules that we have applied for our family too.  Valuable nuggets of wisdom to live by and to share especially if you are a parent or planning to be one.

Here are 8 golden rules to a Happy and Healthy Family:


Nutrition plays a major role in the health and well being of each and every family member.  Parents should show the best example by practicing good nutrition.  Don’t know which  “healthy diet” out there to follow?

My personal recommendation is this:

  1. Eat WHOLE food that is locally, seasonally available, and organic as much as possible.
  2. Reduce processed foods, “junk food”, “junk drinks”.
  3. Cook meals at home so that you know exactly what goes into it.
  4. Reduce simple carbohydrates, and all sugar in general
  5. Add a variety of fruits and vegetables to your meals.
  6. Add good source of fat: omega 3 fatty acids to your meals.
  7. Add good source of protein to your daily meals.
  8. Consider Supplementation if budget allows.
  9. Reduce alcohol to just 1-2 drinks per day.
  10. Keep hydrated. Monitor water intake.  Make sure you are drinking clean water in the right amounts daily.


There are so many research evidences out now that tie physical activity to both health and happiness.

In one systematic REVIEW of existing literature, all the observational studies reported POSITIVE associations between physical activity and happiness. As little as 10 minutes per day or an hour of exercise per week results in increased levels of happiness.

Better oxygenation?  Release of Neurotransmitters affecting the brain?  Release of Hormones affecting the body in general?  Any or all of these may be the reasons.

Happiness benefits of exercise apply to all – adults, adolescents, and children of any age.

Also, Exercise is important for its health benefits such as weight control, lower heart and brain disease risks, improved mental performance and even increase in life expectancy.

According to clinical psychologist,  Dr. Christina Hibbert: studies have shown:

Active parents tend to have active children!

Families who are active together tend to stay active, together!


We must learn to ACCEPT our family members completely and unconditionally for who they are.  Regardless of their strengths and weaknesses.

As shared by Matt Duron of

As parents we are called to give our children the gift of acceptance.

  • To embrace who they are right NOW, right at this moment.
  • Love them just the way they are.
  • Allow them to be who they are and not try to change them.

When we accept our children like this we are saying:

  • You are enough
  • I value you
  • I love you just as you are

The most important things about acceptance is the way it builds strong family connections.  With strong family connections everyone is ultimately happier.


We can demonstrate Love for our family in a major way by showing unconditional respect for each member.

Everyone is different and can have different thoughts, feelings and beliefs which can sometimes be opposing.   Everyone can have different needs and desires.

We show love by respecting these differences if they arise.

Learning to listen without judgement, and without need to always correct, or chastise, is a great way to demonstrate love.


Families who spend quality time together develop strong emotional ties that develop into unbreakable bonds.  These bonds generally make any person have the sense of belonging that can make anyone happier.

According to Parenting NI, a parent advise center, Children who have spent a lot of quality time with their parents, or who have participated in many activities together feel more valued and have positive self-worth and are more likely to engage in positive behaviors.


Encourage easy flow and expression of thoughts, feelings, needs, problems within the family.

Talk to Each Other!

Keep communication open to discourage secrecy or avoidance.

When family members can say what they want and know that they will not be judged, criticized or shamed, there will always be a feeling of safety and security.  This promotes a healthy family relationship and brings about more freedom and happiness among the members.


Self Discipline leads to Self-Control.

Dalai Lama said it all:

A disciplined mind leads to happiness, and an undisciplined mind leads to suffering!

RESEARCH has revealed that people who are self-disciplined are generally happier not only in the moment but in the long run.

So how do we instill discipline?

While promoting acceptance, and allowing freedom of communication, parents also need to SET LIMITS  and STICK TO THEM.  Do so with empathy.  This is how children ultimately learn self-discipline!

Being able to empathize means we can look at the situation from our children’s perspective.  Explain what the limits are and why these are important.

MOTIVATE rather than discourage.


This is my favorite rule of all.

Now more than ever, it has become very important to pray together as a Family.  We are living in dangerous times with the pandemic and so much political and social turmoil around us.

Prayer is the pillar of every strong family and is the best way to help all of the family members thrive during unsettling times.

Prayers promote strong and closer relationship to God which changes the focus of any home from fear and anxiety to peace, acceptance and joy.

Prayers heal, releases hurts, strengthens communication, strengthens family ties and protects all the members therein.

As a parent, it is your major responsibility to make your children aware of God and how to practice your Religion.

The stimulus that will make any family closer, healthier and happier often comes from the Parent.  That is how important a parent is!

Start now, start with your own family, apply these 8 Golden Rules to a Happy and Healthy Family!


Be Safe, and Well (and HAPPY!),

Doc Peachy







Down below, I have included one of my favorite prayers for my family.


Prayer for Family



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Dr. Peachy
Dr. Peachy

Dr. Peachy, together with Dr. Mario will help you find effective solutions you can start rightaway so you can begin to LIVE a life of freedom. Click here to learn more.

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