Health Goals

Health Goals

When it comes to… Achieving your Heath goals for 2022?

How Are You?

Are you still on track?

If Yes, CONGRATULATIONS!  WOOHOO! That is awesome!

Or perhaps you’re not making as much progress as you would have wished?

or perhaps you have been stalled completely?

or perhaps, you haven’t really started doing anything for those goals?  If you need the formula how to create those goals,  I talked about this in a previous post.  Read about that by clicking this LINK.

Well, if you have the goals but you are feeling stuck, I know how you feel!  Been there many times  too!

Don’t we all get very motivated every start of a New Year, only to fall victim to the distractions of Life with all its drama and then before we know it, unto the shelf or out the window goes those health goals.




So, if you are still wanting to make 2022 your best healthy year, and are ready to take action, let me tell you that you ABSOLUTELY CAN!

Because even if it is already at the end of the second month of this year, you can declare it your own day 1, month 1 and create a fresh start to a brand new year for those health goals.  We all need a Clean Slate sometimes.

BUT, before aiming for those health goals again, it would be best to first establish your current health status.  This Self-awareness is important for acknowledging what needs to change, be improved and how.

Like I always say,

Awareness is the first step to change.

Establishing your current physical health status means knowing and being aware of your physical condition from the inside out and working with this as your baseline.  It also means acceptance of your condition especially if less than ideal.

How to establish your current physical health status? 

Go visit your Attending Physician (AP) especially if you have a chronic disease or diseases that you have had for more than 6 months for which you are taking maintenance medications.  Get a complete physical check-up and ask your AP to request for laboratory tests specific for your condition, to assess the status of your disease.  Also, it would be a good idea to review your medications with your AP to see if those are still ideal for your current status.

If visiting your AP is an issue at the moment because of the pandemic, or other reasons…

Or if you are like me, interested in learning and doing things for myself, then…you can start with doing some PHYSICAL WELLNESS SELF-ASSESSMENT.



HOW?   Well, there are 2 ways….SUBJECTIVE and OBJECTIVE ASSESSMENTS.

First, let us talk about how to self-assess SUBJECTIVELY?

Subjective Self-assessment is all about how you feel and your general wellbeing.

  • How you feel physically in general? Great, OK, Lousy, sluggish?
  • Your energy level for both work and home activities?  Do you feel energetic for the most part of the day or do you feel like there are too many more hours left in the day at the end of your energy?
  • How you are sleeping? Are you waking up energetic or tired?
  • How is your body performing the basic functions daily? How is your bowel movement, urination, sweating?
  • How is your appetite for food? Any uncontrolled cravings and desire for bingeing on food?
  • How is your mood in general? Good or bad?
  • Are you maintaining ideal body weight or struggling to keep your weight up or down?
  • Anything new or unusual recently in the aspects asked above?

Also, intuition is very helpful.  Is there something you feel that is unusual and is worrisome?  Explore this question.  If you are in tune with your body, it will give you clues that something is not right.

These questions may be simple but I assure you that they can give you an idea of how well your physical health is.

Next, let us talk about Objective Self-Assessment.  This type of assessment validates the Subjective assessments.  You can use this to check your subjective assessment.  Also Objective Assessments are important especially if you feel OK, and are not bothered with anything unusual.

Objective Assessment requires actual Measurements and blood test results to give you a true picture of your inside physical health.

Measurements include your blood pressure, weight, BMI, total body fat percentage, waist, hip and neck measurements.

Basic Blood tests include Fasting blood Sugar, Fasting serum Insulin Levels, Glycosylated hemoglobin, Lipid Profile, Serum creatinine, SGPT, thyroid panel and Complete blood count.

If you want to learn more about how you can restart or kickstart your physical wellness goals for this year, I have GOOD NEWS for you.  We will have a 3-part series Webinar, WELLNESS KICKSTARTERS.  The first part is dropping LIVE via ZOOM this coming Saturday, February 26, 2022 at 7 PM PST (11:00 UTC).

CLICK on the Green Button below to pre-register and to join:

Join Webinar


May you Achieve all your health goals! May you Slay them!

Be safe and well,

Doc Peachy

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Dr. Peachy
Dr. Peachy

Dr. Peachy, together with Dr. Mario will help you find effective solutions you can start rightaway so you can begin to LIVE a life of freedom. Click here to learn more.

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