Ultimate formula to achieve your wellness goals


Hello Wellness Seekers,

What is your wellness goal for 2021?

Is it to:

Improve or reverse your chronic disease?

Prevent onset of any illness?

Improve energy level?

Increase stamina and have more vitality?

Lose fat?

Gain muscle?

Look and feel younger?

Feel better overall?

We are now on the 3rd month of the year, where are you on those goals?

Are you stalled?

Did you know that there is an ultimate formula that is both EFFECTIVE and Fast that can help you achieve your wellness goals?

The formula To achieve your wellness goals:


Where the X = ACTION, and the Y = RESULT

If you want to achieve something, you need to take action or there will be NO RESULT!

You have to do it yourself, no one else can do it for you.

The size of the action will be commensurate to the size of the result:


action = result














There is however another component that we tend to add to this equation that complicates it unnecessarily, making it harder to execute.

This component is D.  And the D = DRAMA.

Another word for Drama?  That would be EXCUSE…

I can’t because…

Will do it next time…

Will do it later…

and later could mean never.  For one reason or the other, the ACTION does not happen.

Not feeling well, always busy, distracted, lazy, depressed, uninspired, or deciding to just accept current situation?

These are examples of DRAMA that will get in the way of achieving your wellness goals.


Here are my 5 tips to AVOID DRAMA:

  1. CLEAR YOUR WHY:  Ask yourself WHY it is important for you to achieve this goal and for whom?  Visualize how you will feel when you achieve this goal.
  2. WRITE THEM DOWN:  Writing them down, concretizes them.  They can move from being just a dream to becoming a real goal.  Read them over and over again especially when some form of DRAMA strikes.
  3. CREATE ROUTINES:  Routines will eventually lead to habits especially if you feel happy or celebratory after performing them.  Perform the actions at same time daily and use existing routines as triggers.  What you are after is automaticity, i.e, the action comes naturally to you.
  4. KEEP LASER EYE FOCUSED ON YOUR GOALS:  Your Goals should be your priority and always on top of mind everyday.  This way, it will be hard to get distracted from your goals.
  5. SET YOURSELF UP TO SUCCEED:  Plan and Prepare so that you have everything you need to get the action time.  Is time your usual constraint?  Then practice time blocking to effectively manage your time. Time blocking is the practice of planning out every moment of your day in advance and dedicating specific “time blocks” to certain tasks. Always Prioritize activities related to your goals.  These Activities deserve “PROTECTED TIME”.

X=Y is a simple but is the ultimate formula that can guide you not only on achieving your wellness goals but almost any other goals you have in life.

What do you think of this formula?  Would love to know your thoughts.  Let me know by sharing them on the comments below.

Be well!

Doc Peachy

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Dr. Peachy
Dr. Peachy

Dr. Peachy, together with Dr. Mario will help you find effective solutions you can start rightaway so you can begin to LIVE a life of freedom. Click here to learn more.

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