Grateful for the opportunity to learn something new

Grateful to learn something new


This pandemic has brought about a devastating storm to many people.  Lives have been lost.  Families have lost loved ones.  Many have suffered from the COVID19 infection. Many have been retrenched from their jobs.  Businesses have closed down.

But it’s not all devastation. Would you agree with me that the same horrible pandemic has also brought about clouds with silver linings?

The environment is one such beneficiary.  In general, the air quality is better, the natural world is enjoying from rest from human activities, water quality has improved,  and our oceans and seas are cleaner.

Many people have found Silver linings too, in form of blessings and opportunities to…

  • Find peace and calm from establishing a closer relationship with God.
  • Rekindle and strengthen  family bonds from physical and emotional reconnections.
  • Earn additional income from home-based businesses.
  • Become more productive  despite lockdown by pursuing new hobbies and developing new skills.
  • Find emotional support through Reconnecting with friends, and members of their community.
  • Improve health and immunity from finding time to prepare more nutritious meals at home, exercise and de-stress
  • Harness their inner super powers by discovering or re-igniting their passion and embarking on passion projects.
  • Develop self by Learning something new.

Despite the horrors of this pandemic, there is still so much to be grateful for.

Over the last 6 months, I feel very, very grateful to have been showered by many of the blessings I enumerated above.

Each of these opportunities in my life have been GOLD, and hopefully, I will be able to share my insights and takeaways from each of those experiences in the future.

For Today, Gratitude Sunday, let me highlight on the last item on that list….

Gratitude to develop self  by learning something new. 

I have finally found the time to take online courses and have been learning a lot of new things…. YAY!

Aside from emotional benefits such as having a lot of fun and feeling very accomplished,  did you know that there are many other benefits to learning something new?

Here are 5 benefits of Learning new information from

First is…it rewires your brain.

Studies show that whenever you learn something new, fresh connections can form between your brain cells or neurons.  This is the concept of neuroplasticity.  The brain has the ability to change throughout life.  So, if you think that it will be hard for you to rewire your brain at 60 years old…think again.  It’s also the ability for the brain to recover and become better after illness or injury.

Second is …it helps fight dementia.

The number of people with Dementia is increasing.  Experts say that Learning Something New is one of the best ways to ward off dementia.  In same way that physical exercise helps to keep your heart healthy, mental exercise helps to keep your brain in shape.

Third is… it improves memory.

Learning Something New helps to train your brain to remember things more efficiently.  An added bonus is if you teach this new thing to someone else, the learning is repeated and will improve overall recall.

Fourth is…it can help you learn faster overall.

As you build your internal database of knowledge, it becomes easier and easier to learn more new things.  This is because learning new things build off each other.

Fifth is …it makes you a more productive person.

This one is pretty simple…the more you know, the more efficiently you can operate.

I’m adding a Sixth benefit, because this is my foresight…

Learning Something New can help prepare you for the coming change of tide.  And by change of tide, I mean, to prepare you for what’s to come when the pandemic eases.  When new normalcy begins. Because this pandemic will end. And you have to be prepared.

We never know when that will be…or how situations will be when that comes.  Learning something new today, especially if it enhances your talent, skill or if develops you holistically, will make you better equipped to not only survive but to thrive in the NEW NORMAL. It will be an evolution.

It will make YOU BETTER PREPARED to deal with the evolution.

So, what NEW THING  should you learn today?

Whatever you like!

How great is it that it is up to you?

Learn more about something that you are highly interested in, or better still, passionate about.

Want to know what you could be passionate about?

Ask yourself these questions:

  • If earning money was not an issue, what is it that one thing you enjoy and want to spend more time on?
  • What is that one thing you have always been good at that people go to you for advice?
  • What is that one thing you know how to do that you can share to the world and make it a much better place?

If you don’t know what it is yet…take some time out this Gratitude Sunday to reflect on this.

Who knows?  What you will realize will astound you!!!



Doc Peachy






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Dr. Peachy
Dr. Peachy

Dr. Peachy, together with Dr. Mario will help you find effective solutions you can start rightaway so you can begin to LIVE a life of freedom. Click here to learn more.

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