gratitude and happiness
Gratitude and Happiness
I give my insight on Gratitude and Happiness and how anyone can express gratitude in simple ways and achieve happiness



Many researches have already revealed…GRATITUDE AND HAPPINESS are always strongly correlated.

One of the theories proposed to how Gratitude and Happiness are correlated is that Gratitude moves people to experience more positive emotions like joy, love, and contentment.  These positive emotions then lead to “good” experiences regardless of the situation thereby leads to happiness.

Feeling GRATITUDE is great, but EXPRESSING GRATITUDE is even greater.  This shifts our focus to one of POSITIVITY, which compensates for our brain’s natural tendency to focus on Being on the DEFENSIVE, and perceiving incoming situations as a threat or danger, leading to immense stress and anxiety (hence NEGATIVITY in general).

Feeling GRATITUDE and EXPRESSING it on the other hand, allows us to reset our minds so that when a difficult situation arises, we are able to view that as a learning experience, a step towards growth, or a springboard to something better, making us happier as a result.

Expressing GRATITUDE can also help to make us less stressed, less anxious, and less pessimistic.


Do start by EXPRESSING GRATITUDE.  Here are 5 suggestions:

1.  Donate something to someone. 

Surely, you have clothes, shoes, bags, knick knacks, household stuff, appliances, gadgets, books (to name a few) in the house that you no longer need.  Choosing to donate these things to someone who needs them is not only a kind thing to do, it can be an excellent expression of gratitude.  Sifting through your stuff helps to realize that you have abundance…you have more than what you need… a reason for you to be thankful.  Additionally, being able to provide someone with what they need at that moment can give immense happiness, right?

2.  THANK the person who has given you something or has done something for you today.

Did you receive something today?  A token? A gift? A compliment? A favor? or perhaps a positive comment on your FB or instagram post?  Simply saying THANK YOU is not only good manners, but one of the most impactful ways to express gratitude whether you do this face to face, or through a handwritten note, an email, a message on social media or a phone call.  It shows the giver that whatever was received was  appreciated and would make the giver happy.

Will that not make you happy too?

3.  Teach someone about something new.

Knowledge, skills, or talents?  We all have something something  that we can share to others. Sharing what you know or what you are good at is true generosity and expresses gratitude for these blessings that has been received.  It also shows appreciation for the persons who you share them to.  It means you value them enough to share what you have or know with them.

4.  Listen and listen intently.

If you respect and appreciate someone, listen intently to what he/she is saying.  When you listen intently this reflects on your body language and is easily perceptible to the person talking.  This is a great expression of gratitude to the person we are listening to.  You don’t necessarily have to react to everything you hear nor offer any advice or insight.  Many times, the simple act of listening is all that is needed.

5.  Offer to do errands, or help with chores.

Offer to help someone else you care about.  It does not have to be something laborious or time consuming, it can be as simple as offering to pay for a bill, buying grocery, or essentials when you are going out to do it for yourself anyway.

There you have it!

Expressing Gratitude is a road to achieving happiness.

Here is an excellent food for thought:

“Gratitude starts a chain reaction to happiness”

Go ahead….EXPRESS YOUR GRATITUDE TODAY…and watch how both GRATITUDE AND HAPPINESS will fill your day.

Be Safe and Well,

Doc Peachy



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Dr. Peachy
Dr. Peachy

Dr. Peachy, together with Dr. Mario will help you find effective solutions you can start rightaway so you can begin to LIVE a life of freedom. Click here to learn more.

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