how to achieve your fitness goals


Do you have a fitness goal?  How long ago did you set this goal? have you achieved it yet?

Yup, somehow you know already know the answer to this question…How to achieve my fitness goals?

Just as in any goal…what is needed is to set the goal, then to plan and then to execute!

Setting the goal is relatively easier that planning and executing, wouldn’t you agree?

What do I need to commit to?

How long will it take for me to get results?

Which exercise can I do?

How do I start?

Well, if you want a long and quality life, here are some great fitness goals .  Let me add that these should be a lifetime commitment and not some sporadic short-lived goals.

Do you agree that we not only want to live long, we want that life to be of great quality too. Imagine a life where we get to retain all our faculties:  think, speak, run, play, create, produce, and interact with the world even at a ripe old age.

Imagine to be old and thriving and not merely to be in a vegetative state in our wheelchairs or hospital beds with rails.


Results depend on the actions we take and how consistent we are. Rome was not built in a day, so neither will a muscular and strong physique or a good fitness level be built quickly.

Great Results take time.

How to achieve fitness goals?

Start with where you are, with whatever means you have, and with whatever time you can consistently commit to.

Consistency can best be achieved if we set aside a protective time for our fitness activity and try to strictly comply with it.

If you find that you are just too busy, and all your waking hours are already occupied, try waking up a few minutes earlier than usual and make that your workout time or perhaps take a few minutes before lunch or before dinner.

You can Find or perhaps make that extra time that works best for you.

As for the best kind of exercise, I always say, it is the exercise that YOU WILL DO. So go ahead and choose the one that you can do…

Dancing, walking, running, biking, swimming, yoga, pilates, weight training perhaps?

There are just so many options out there. And you don’t have to do it long and hard. Build up from a quickie workout. In the beginning, even 5 minutes will do.

Huff and Puff regularly and watch your fitness level improve by leaps and bounds.

Be Safe and Be Well,

Doc Peachy

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Dr. Peachy
Dr. Peachy

Dr. Peachy, together with Dr. Mario will help you find effective solutions you can start rightaway so you can begin to LIVE a life of freedom. Click here to learn more.

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