time management hack

Dear Wellness Seekers,

Do you juggle the demands of work or school, business, taking care of the family, personal hobbies, exercise, household chores, online education?

Are you doing many projects at the same time?

Do you need to accomplish a lot but always find the day over with still half of what’s on your list undone?

Or are you always on “reactive mode”, responding to emails, text messages, answering calls  while forgoing time for  need-to-dos?

These days, even when quarantine dictates home confinement, with more than usual available time, most people still struggle with completing their “to-do lists”.

I know because I was one of these people who always had a list of like 20 things to do in a day.

How I coped with my long to-do lists was oftentimes to MULTITASK.

What is Multitasking?

  • Performing two or more tasks simultaneously
  • Switching back and forth from one thing to another
  • Performing a number of tasks in rapid succession

Do you multitask too?  I was always proud to say how good a multi-tasker I was.

But is Multitasking really the best way to cope?

Unfortunately, research has confirmed, effective multitasking is a MYTH.  People who think they can split their attention between multiple tasks at once aren’t actually getting more done.  In fact, they are accomplishing much less, getting more stressed and performing worse than those who single task.

Moreover, Research has also shown that only 2.5% of people are able to multitask effectively.  The rest of the population only “believe” they are multitasking effectively.  In fact, trying to do more than one thing at time compromises anyone’s ability to complete both tasks very well.

Very true, to top it all, I realized that even if I got to tick off a lot on my list, I find that some of the work I accomplished was sloppy and not to the standard I would have wanted.

If you struggle with this too, I have something really life saving, or at least sanity saving for you.

This hack is so effective, it allows you to accomplish a lot without compromising quality.

Pretty much, it’s like organizing your day to make the most of the time in the best way!

This hack is known as TIME BLOCKING!

So thankful that my genius of a daughter, Nina,  introduced it to me.  Just one of the cool hacks I have learned from her these past weeks.  A really cool advantage when you have a youngpreneur Coach for a daughter.


It is a time-management technique referred to as “monotasking” or “time chunking”, where you divide your day into blocks of time.  Each block is then dedicated to accomplishing a specific task, or group of tasks and ONLY THOSE SPECIFIC TASKS and nothing else.

It is breaking your schedule into chunks of time where you are focusing on one task or one project only at a time.

I have found that with TIME BLOCKING, not only was I able to complete my weekly tasks, but I was also able to gain control of my day.  It has also helped me prioritize the tasks I needed to complete.

Time blocking helped me to accomplish things in the best way possible because it allowed me  to funnel all my energy, creativity and attention to one task at a time.

So, how to do TIME BLOCKING?

  1. Start by making in advance, a WEEKLY list of all the things you need to get done.  This will include work, school, or business projects, commitments, exercise, hobbies, errands, chores, time for social media, etc. Determine which ones are the priority.
  2. Start off with top priorities. Think of how many hours per day you can allocate to that task in the week.  By planning this set time, you avoid procrastinating.
  3. Break down the things you need to get done into Daily Blueprint. Think about how much time you have in a day and how much time you want to allow for each task on your list.  Start with a rough sketch of your time blocks for each day. Evaluate after end of each day and adjust accordingly.

Here’s a sample daily blueprint of what time blocking might look like for someone with a home-based business.


The key is to develop a blueprint for your typical day with blocks of time where you can focus on your important tasks or projects.

You may need to develop your own new blueprints weekly.  It may take some trial and error for you to get the blueprint that will work perfectly for you.

Once you have your schedule competed, protect this time as best as you can. In case of emergencies or when other urgent tasks come up, it is OK to be flexible but resist the urge to give up priority time for less important things on the fly.

Since I started implementing it, Time Blocking has given me control over my day, and my week.   I feel less harried, less harassed, and generally less stressed.  That definitely is a GREAT THING!  Now, I can say, I control my schedule! My schedule does not control me!

Are you ready to implement TIME BLOCKING?  Let me know how that goes for you!

Do share your thoughts on the comments section below!


Be safe and Be Well (and productive ;-))


Doc Peachy







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Dr. Peachy
Dr. Peachy

Dr. Peachy, together with Dr. Mario will help you find effective solutions you can start rightaway so you can begin to LIVE a life of freedom. Click here to learn more.

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