why it is hard to quit sugar



Why it’s hard to give up added sugar?

Even if we are very much aware of the many health risks associated with it?

Aside from virtually containing no micronutrients, more and more studies are proving that ADDED SUGAR plays a pivotal role in the development of chronic diseases such as Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus, Heart Disease, Cancer and Alzheimer’s disease.

What do we mean by added sugar?

Added sugars include sugars that we consciously add to our food, sugars that are added during the processing of food, food packaged as sweeteners (such as table sugar), sugars from syrups and honey, and sugars from concentrated fruit or vegetable juices.

Most people are also aware that they are eating way too much sugar.  Some researchers have pegged regular daily consumption to be between 17-22 teaspoons of sugar per day for adults.

Did you know that even a teaspoon of added sugar is already way too much?  This is because, sugar is not an essential nutrient that our body needs.



It is not impossible to consume even more than this because Sugar is not only present in obvious sweets like cakes, candies, ice cream and dessert.  It also hides in many of the processed food items under different names.



If you have a hard time giving it up, you are not alone.  Believe me, I know how you feel.  Giving up sugar is one of the hardest things to do.

Here are some reasons that could explain why:

  1. A study published in the Journal of Clinical Endocrinology and Metabolism found that eating sugar shuts down the release of the stress hormone cortisol.  Put simply, sugar soothes and relieves stress.  This anti-stress effect makes us want to eat more of it and often.
  2. In a narrative review published in the British Journal of Sports Medicine, the author: Dr. James Dinicolantonio and Dr.James O’Keefe:  they claim:

“Consuming sugar produces effects similar to that of cocaine, altering mood, possibly through its ability to induce reward and pleasure, leading to the seeking out of sugar,” 

  1. Cravings for sugar could be a sign of nutrient deficiencies. Unless these deficiencies are identified and resolved, quitting sugar may be very difficult.  Calcium, zinc, chromium, and magnesium imbalances can manifest themselves as sugar cravings too.
  2. Plain and simple, the taste of sugar is pleasing to the tongue. Humans are basically pleasure seekers, and sugar is something that is inexpensive and readily available.  Consumption of sugar also triggers release of epinephrine which gives that sudden but short-lived energy boost.

Giving up added sugar may seem like a daunting task, BUT IT CAN BE DONE!

Added Sugar is a monster that we must all learn to conquer.

Focusing on these 6 WHYS, can help make it easier!

  1. You will prevent many chronic diseases
  2. You can potentially reverse your chronic diseases
  3. You will have better immunity
  4. You will feel better
  5. You will look better
  6. You will avoid premature aging.

If focusing on the WHYS, still does not do it for you,

Here are my 10 favorite SUGAR SELF-DEFENSE TIPS that can help you to to finally quit it:

  1. Keep Sugary Treats out of your sight.

Stop purchasing or keeping them. Out of sight, out of mind, out of mouth are great benefits of not purchasing or keeping any form of sugary treats in your home or office.

  1. Choose Whole Food.

Whole food are food in their natural state, or how they exist in nature.  Contrary to processed food which have a list of ingredients, There is only one ingredient in whole food. That is the ingredient itself.  Whole food are nutrient dense and full of micronutrients that will help you avoid any nutrient deficiencies.

  1. Always have a meal that contains a good amount of protein and good fat and minimal starchy carbohydrates.

Starchy carbohydrates convert to sugar and could spike up both blood  sugar and insulin.  In contrast, protein only causes a moderate spike while fats, cause the least spike in sugar and insulin levels in the blood.

Protein and Fat also provide satiety and curbs cravings for carbohydrates or sugar as well.

  1. Take good quality multivitamins, minerals, phytonutrient and omega 3 supplementation.

Nutrient deficiencies make cravings worse.  The fewer the nutrient deficiencies, the lesser cravings you will have.

  1. Exercise regularly.

Exercise boosts energy and mood and decreases the need for boosts from sugar.

  1. Get quality sleep.

Poor quality sleeps increases stress and inflammation in the body which promotes cravings for sugar.

  1. Learn to find distractions.

Many of the sugar cravings are rooted on emotional needs that are not being met.  Find some positive distractions when feeling emotional.  Cravings usually last for 10 minutes.  Find an absorbing activity such as taking a walk, connecting with friends and family have been found to be effective.

  1. Add some spices to your dishes.

Spices such as coriander, cinnamon, nutmeg, cloves and cardamom are natural flavors that enhance the taste of your food and help to reduce cravings for sugar or sweets.

  1. Learn how to read labels.

Practically speaking, it is impossible to avoid processed food altogether.  If you must consume them, make sure you read labels and avoid those items that contain added sugar.  Familiarize yourself with other names of sugar.

  1. Drink lots of water.

Sometimes cravings are just thirst in disguise.  On the average, most men need around 3 liters of water or liquids per day while women need around 2.5 liters.  Many people do not drink close to these amounts daily.

One final thing, for most people, quitting sugar is a journey that is not completed in hours, or days. For some people, it may take months or years.

Yes, you may fail or backslide on some days.  But know that you can start again.  Review and recalibrate and find out what causes these backslides and learn to prepare for them and manage them.

Just get back on the right path as soon as you can.

May this question, Why is it hard to give up sugar, no longer be that nagging question you can’t seem to have answers to.

Be safe and Well,

Doc Peachy





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Dr. Peachy
Dr. Peachy

Dr. Peachy, together with Dr. Mario will help you find effective solutions you can start rightaway so you can begin to LIVE a life of freedom. Click here to learn more.

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